A Professional Law Corporation 




We are a broad-service real estate and business law firm, committed to quality legal advice based upon our ability to bring creative solutions to complex issues, turning problems into opportunities. We serve long-lasting and new clients who expect and receive superior quality work and service.

It is our belief that the relationship between our clients and our firm is unique and that the best interests of our clients are served by long-standing individual relationships and personalized service. Our clients are a mix of numerous firms, small and mid-sized companies and individuals of all backgrounds.


Located at 83 Greenwich St, we are a small collective of designers and art directors working to elevate the interiors of our customers.

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Work Experience

Lorem ipsum, Design Editor
Nam Interdum, Creative Director
Vestibulum Eget, Creative Director
Nulla Varius, Editor
Tortor Quis Ante, Art Director
Gravida Ultrices, Art Director




